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Showcasing Wood Green's hidden gems with Danielle from Elevated Youth Haringey

On 20 July, Danielle of Elevated Youth Haringey, a panel of young people with SEND, joined the Shaping Wood Green programme launch event. The programme partnered closely with the Haringey community to create short, medium, and long-term visions for Wood Green. 

Danielle participated in a youth photography workshop through the programme, which focused on producing photographic images that celebrated the people, businesses, and places in various locations across Wood Green. Read the blog post about Danielle's Capturing Wood Green workshop participation.

The event launched the Shaping Wood Green booklet, highlighting the borough's rich and culturally diverse heritage. There was an exhibition of photos of some of Wood Green's hidden gems and highlights, including many of Danielle!

Danielle said:

"The food and environment was nice. I saw some of my artwork on boards and got to speak with the photographers."

Danielle was thanked personally by Councillor Peray Ahmet, Leader of the Council, for her fantastic contribution to Elevated Youth Haringey and the Shaping Wood Green programme.

Image of young person smiling with Councillor Peray Ahmet, Leader of Haringey Council

Danielle with Councillor Peray Ahmet, Leader of the Council.

Image of the Shaping Wood Green launch event with several large photographs

Shaping Wood Green launch event - 20 July 2023.

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Page last updated:

July 31, 2023