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Listening to parents: insights from the housing-themed SEND event

Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, Councillor Zena Brabazon and SEND Power co-host SEND Engagement Events termly, with the most recent one taking place on 18 October at St Ann’s Library, where the theme was Housing. These events are specifically designed to be ‘listening events’ for parents and carers of children with SEND to meet with professionals from across the SEND system to hear about the experiences you are having, to hear about what is going well and what is not going well, and to use this to inform future planning and action.

At the most recent event, we heard from parents and carers about issues and experiences concerning housing and housing support, which included repairs, overcrowding, temporary accommodation, allocations and adaptations. It was very powerful to hear about the similar experiences parents and carers have had. Following the event, the Assistant Director for Housing Demand stayed behind to speak with parents and carers about their issues and is now in the process of addressing these concerns.

The theme for the next SEND engagement event, which will take place in the Spring Term, is yet to be decided. Councillor Brabazon will continue to work with SEND Power to ensure parents and their views are represented

Visit the SEND Power website (external link) for information on future SEND engagement events and to get involved with their community.

Page last updated:

November 8, 2023