Ofsted awards the highest rating to our SEND service in 2024 inspection! Read the full report.

How we decide on travel assistance

Entitlement to transport is based on an assessment of your child’s needs, as outlined in your application form. If agreed, the Passenger Transport Service (PTS) team will discuss with you the type of travel assistance that will be provided to your child. This will be decided dependent on your child’s physical abilities and a risk assessment of how your child is able to travel most safely.

The risk assessment is made partly through your application form, so please make sure to include information about your child's medical needs, ways of communicating with people, particular likes and dislikes or fears (such as road drills etc).

If your child is known to the Haringey SEN team, please let us know and we will ask for a copy of your child's Education Health and Care plan.

Page last updated:

August 30, 2022