Broadwater Farm residents back council plans to transform estate
Residents of Broadwater Farm have overwhelmingly voted in favour of plans to transform their estate with almost 300 new, high quality council homes, safer streets and improved community facilities.
On a turnout of 55% of eligible voters, 85% backed the council to deliver the most comprehensive and far-reaching improvement programme in Broadwater Farm’s history.
The ballot ran from 11 February to 7 March 2022, with residents on the estate and those rehoused from Tangmere and Northolt blocks given the opportunity to cast their votes by post, online or by telephone.
The re-design proposals were developed in close collaboration with the community over the last two years and tackle local issues such as overcrowding, community safety and fuel poverty.
Regardless of the outcome in the ballot, the council was committed to extensively refurbishing all existing properties. In all, the estate will benefit from investment of more than £150m.
Cllr Ruth Gordon, Cabinet Member for House Building, Placemaking and Development, said:
“It’s fantastic to see residents vote yes and overwhelmingly back our plans for the delivery of high-quality, safe and genuinely affordable accommodation.
“I am proud of the schemes we are undertaking to deliver a new generation of council homes and I’m delighted residents agree the Broadwater Farm plan is a worthy addition.
“I am also very pleased that this scheme will transform the estate by creating open spaces where people want to meet, chat and play alongside a new shop, community hub, medical centre, workspaces and street layouts.
“Much of that has been down to the community because this was a resident-led, placemaking proposal. We will continue working together to shape the future of the neighbourhood, ensuring residents are the ones that benefit most from the opportunities the redevelopment will bring.”
Transformation of the estate will deliver:
• Around 294 modern and spacious new council homes, including the replacement of all homes on the Tangmere and Northolt sites, with at least 30 per cent larger homes to help previously overcrowded families.
• No loss of council homes and 100 per cent of new homes built let at council rents.
• Design principles for all new homes that include a larger floor area, more storage, modern kitchens and access to a private garden, balcony or terrace for every home.
• All homes built to modern energy efficient standards, helping families cut their fuel bills and carbon emissions.
• New community facilities, including a park and public spaces, grocery store, a modern health and wellbeing centre and affordable workspaces, creating jobs and opportunities for estate residents.
• An improved layout of the estate creating safer streets with improved lighting, better CCTV and courtyards secured at night.
Under the rebuilding plans, all Tangmere and Northolt tenants will be able to return to a new home once they are built. Priority for the remainder, about 100, will be given to residents on the estate.
A redeveloped Broadwater Farm is part of an ambitious programme to deliver 3,000 new council homes in the next decade.
The ballot was undertaken by independent experts, Civica Election Services.
The council has successfully bid for funding from the GLA and government to support the redevelopment of Broadwater Farm.
Information on the Landlord Offer and ballot can be found here: Broadwater Farm Resident ballot | Tottenham Regeneration
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