Residents leading the effort to make Haringey a recycling borough
Residents across Haringey are sharing their views and experiences on how and why they recycle and reuse household items in a bid to increase the recycling levels across the borough.
We know tackling climate change is important to residents in Haringey and the one thing we can all do is improve recycling, reusing and reducing in the borough. We are determined to reach the Mayor of London’s 50% target of recycling half of all household waste by 2030, and know improving our services, information, education and facilities is needed.
“Destination 50%” is the borough’s plan to meet this target. A joint plan shaped by residents, who have expert knowledge of what works where they live and what needs to improve to get their neighbourhood to reduce waste.
A series of recycling, reuse and reduce drop-in sessions have been launched so that the local community can explain to the council how and why they choose or do not choose to recycle.
Cllr Seema Chandwani, Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequality and Resident Services, said:
Our residents are the experts in how best to recycle and reuse items they no longer need.
It’s important that every part of Haringey has their voice heard.
Working together, we can achieve Destination 50%, and implement even more ideas from our residents, which will help the borough become greener. Let’s co-design the future together.
The council knows most residents recycling, reducing and reusing already and know they want to do more. From food recycling to composting, from buying second hand to donating used goods, let’s discuss what we are doing and what we can do better at. If you are not recycling, we definitely want to hear from you.
To tell us your views on the current facilities and how we can help you and your fellow residents recycle and reuse more, come along to an engagement event or give us feedback online.
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