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Haringey Early Help Strategy 2021-23

Haringey’s Early Help strategy brings together our partnership response to support children, young people and their families using a 'team around the child and family' approach.

Our strategy has been informed by what our children, young people and families tell us, what our performance data tells us and our quality assurance activity. 

This strategy reflects our priorities for the next 2 years clearly setting out the outcomes we expect to achieve as a result. Within this strategy, you will see a fantastic and true reflection of how partners are delivering early help services and creating transformation and sustainable change.

Download the strategy

Haringey's Early Help Strategy 2021-2023 Early help is everyone's responsibility Haringey's partnership strategy for providing early help to children, young people and their families
Haringey Early Help Strategy 2021-23 (PDF, 1MB)

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Early Help Strategy launch webinar 

Watch the video below to find out more about the implementation of the strategy:

Note for iPhone users and Youtube. There is a known bug with iOS and Youtube, Two buttons are read before the player but provide no functionality. We advise that you skip these to access the content.

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Page last updated:

May 2, 2023