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Explore the new Family Hubs digital offer, developed as an expansion of the physical hubs.

Early Help Service

We aim to take action as early as possible when problems are identified within a family, providing the right support at the right time. We are also committed to working with families to develop strategies that make them stronger in the long term.

Family support services

For families affected by multiple issues where children aged 0-19 are present.

Services for young people

For young people aged 10-19 (up to 25 if they have additional support needs).

Children's Centres

For children aged 0-5 and their families.

Youth Justice

For children aged 10 to 18 who are at risk of, or involved in offending behaviour.

Parenting programmes

Parenting programmes and workshops for mothers, fathers and carers of children and young people.

Family support services

For families affected by multiple issues where children aged 0-19 are present

Family supportSupport offered:

  • Targeted support for families affected by multiple issues (i.e. housing, domestic abuse, neglect, mental health, substance misuse)
  • Working with families to complete child and family wellbeing assessments, building on strengths and strategies families can use in the future
  • 'Team Around the Family' meetings, working with other professionals to support you
  • Plans to ensure family progress and help develop wellbeing
  • Regular visits 
  • Parenting programmes including 'Caring dads'
  • Early Help panel - professionals who meet to create bespoke packages of support

How to access family support services

Parents and carers can contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by phone at 020 8489 4470. 

Professionals and volunteers can send a referral via the children's services portal:

Start referral now

See also:

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Services for young people

For young people aged 10-19 (up to 25 if they have additional support needs)

Diverse group of teenagers smilingThere are various programmes and services to support young people in Haringey:

  • Bruce Grove Youth Space: the centre offers a wide range of informal learning opportunities to enable young people to feel safe, to develop as individuals and to participate, and contribute, as valued members of our community.
  • Tailored one to one support for young people.
  • Young carers: Regular group activities for young carers aged 11-18.
    • Where: Bruce Grove Youth Space and Alexandra Palace
    • When: Monday and Thursday, 5pm – 7pm
  • Contextual Safeguarding team: working with young people and their families where it is identified that there are early indicators that a young person is at risk of exploitation.
  • Prevention team: supporting young people at risk of becoming involved in the youth justice system - including out of court disposals (OOCDs).

How to access services for young people

To find out more about the services listed above:

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Children's Centres

For children aged 0-5 and their families

Smiling child at playgroundA Children's Centre brings together a range of services for children under five and their families such as family support, health and education.

It includes good quality childcare, information and support across the local community. The idea is to make services easy to use and to give children the best start in life.

There are 9 Children's Centres in Haringey, and 3 of these are managed directly by the council: Triangle, Park Lane and Woodside. 

For more information on the services on offer and how to get involved, please visit our Children's Centres webpages.

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Youth Justice

For children aged 10 to 18 who are at risk of, or involved in offending behaviour

Teenager walking alone on empty streetWe provide bespoke and targeted support to young people who have offended or are at risk of offending across the borough.

We aim to help young people to stop offending by: 

  • helping them to take responsibility for their actions
  • supporting them in spending their time in positive ways and by looking at why young people are getting into trouble

For more information and to access this kind of support, visit our dedicated Youth Justice Service (YJS) webpages.

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Haringey SAFE taskforce

The SAFE (Support, Attend, Fulfil, Exceed) taskforce programme is a 3-year Department for Education-funded initiative, continuing until summer 2025.

It focusses on providing targeted support to young people aged 10-14 in mainstream schools who may be at risk of disengagement from education and at risk of becoming involved in serious youth violence.

The taskforce's aim is to deliver interventions to support young people with challenging behaviour, enabling them to attend school regularly, so they can fulfil their potential and prevent costly poor life outcomes by inspiring them to exceed their expectations.

In Haringey we set up a Haringey SAFE Taskforce Board composed of multi-agency partners including:

  • local school headteachers
  • representatives from the council
  • health and other partners to lead on this work

Haringey has been allocated £1.28 million for the duration of the programme to deliver interventions. The SAFE Taskforce Board agreed that these interventions should focus on:

  • transitions support (from year 6 to year 7)
  • secondary outreach (from year 7 to year 9)
  • cognitive behavioural approaches
  • mentoring
  • social skills

The target number of children to receive interventions is a minimum of 200 each year. Children will be identified by schools and will be accessing the support through schools. The programme will be independently evaluated.

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See also

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Page last updated:

November 8, 2024