- Help may be needed
You or a professional identifies that you and your family may need help.
- We have the right conversation
A professional talks to you and your family to try to understand the issue.
- We understand the problem and help you need
The professional checks the Haringey Threshold Guide to confirm the level of need and response required.
- We look at who else can help
Professionals can seek help from other agencies, one of the ways they can do this is by coming to the Early Help panel to see what support can be offered.
- We identify the right support
The professional will get your agreement to share information with other agencies such as school and complete a wellbeing assessment with you to make sure we capture all of the information about you and your family.
- We agree the next steps with you
The professional will complete the assessment with you and as the Lead Professional, will set up a team around the family (TAF) meeting to bring everyone together.
- We will develop a plan with you
At your TAF meeting, your outcome based plan will detail what is going well, what the worries are and what needs to happen with actions for you and others. Your plan will be clear on what you and agencies working with you will see to know things are better.
- We work together to ensure things are getting better
The Lead Professional will ensure that the plan is on track and bring agencies together on a regular basis with you to check progress and look at next steps.
- We complete the plan and provide ongoing support
When all the actions in the Plan are completed and the needs have been met, it is agreed that a well being assessment is no longer needed and the plan will end with support to access universal services.
Our vision is of a Haringey where strong families, strong networks and strong communities nurture all residents to live well and achieve their potential.
We do things the 'Haringey way', which means:
- our behaviours reflect our values
- we have a strength-based approach
- relationships are the intervention
We work with our partners, using a 'multi-agency team around the family' approach, with children and young people at the centre and an identified lead practitioner.

Our 9 step early help process
Our pledge
- We will listen to you and not judge you
- We will “work with you” and not “do to” you
- We will make every contact count
- We won’t pass the buck
- We will take care of your information
- Our assessment will be uncomplicated and robust
- We will give you one point of contact
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