Our family support services are for families affected by multiple issues where children aged 0 to 19 years old are present.
Support offered
Our team offers:
- targeted support for families affected by multiple issues (such as housing, domestic abuse, neglect, mental health, substance misuse)
- collaboration with families to complete child and family wellbeing assessments, building on strengths and strategies families can use in the future
- 'Team Around the Family' meetings, working with other professionals to support you
- plans to ensure family progress and help develop wellbeing
- regular visits
- parenting support programmes
- help from professionals who meet to create bespoke packages of support – Early Help panel

How to access family support services
Parents and carers
Parents and carers can contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by phone on 020 8489 4470.
Professionals and volunteers
Professionals and volunteers can send a referral via the children's services portal: