Apply for OR reconfirm your 30 hours eligibility code to receive 30 hours free childcare.

Family hubs: get involved

We want to design services that are suitable for all Haringey families. We will work with parents, carers, young people and all partners involved to do so.

In line with the Haringey Deal principles, we want to listen to our service users and find out what works and what doesn’t. 

Be part of a parent/carer panel

Haringey has also received funds to develop a parent/carer panel to co-design the hubs with families, and make sure everyone can get the best experience from using the services available. 

To find out more and get involved, please email:

Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) survey

We recognise the important role that Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) organisations play in delivering support to Haringey families.

To better understand what is available now and to help us identify gaps and opportunities to commission more support we are asking VCS partners to complete an online survey.

Complete the VCS survey now

We will work with our partner the Bridge Renewal Trust to analyse the results and decide the steps forward.

Page last updated:

December 20, 2023