Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

In 2018 the government published a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). As part of the changes, a new Housing Delivery Test (HDT) was introduced and has the following consequences:

  • The publication of an action plan if housing delivery falls below 95% of a local planning authority's adopted housing requirement over the previous 3 years;
  • A 20% buffer on the local planning authority's 5-year land supply if housing delivery falls below 85% of the adopted housing requirement; and
  • The 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' in the NPPF would apply automatically if housing delivery falls below 75% of the adopted housing requirement.

The government published its 2021 HDT Measurement in February 2022. This indicated that the borough had delivered 75% of its housing requirement in the preceding 3 years. Therefore an action plan is required to be published.

This action plan has been prepared to show how the council is responding to the challenge of ensuring more homes are built in Haringey, and faster. In line with National Planning Practice Guidance, it identifies the reasons for under-delivery and sets out measures the council intends to take to try and improve levels of delivery.

You can view and download the council's HDT action plans below:

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Page last updated:

August 16, 2022