Archaeology and Industrial Heritage

Areas of Archaeological Importance

Haringey has 22 Areas of Archaeological Importance (AAIs) which are identified in the local plan. These are areas where history indicates there is considerable likelihood that archaeological remains will be found. In addition there are known sites of archaeological finds throughout the borough for which detailed records are maintained by the Historic England Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS) (external link).

Development proposals adversely affecting areas of archaeological importance should meet the following criteria:

  • Applications must be accompanied by an archaeological assessment and evaluation of the site, including the impact of the proposed development
  • Development proposals will be required to preserve in situ, protect and safeguard important archaeological remains and the settings and, where appropriate, provide for the permanent display and interpretation of the remains.

The council will ensure the proper investigation, recording of sites and publication of the results by a suitably qualified archaeological contractor as an integral part of a development programme, where a development incorporates archaeological remains or where it is considered that preservation in situ is not appropriate.

Archaeological remains of national importance may be protected by "scheduling" under the provisions of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (as amended). This process is administered by Historic England (external link) and offers similar protection to that of listed buildings. There are currently no such sites in the borough.

Page last updated:

January 18, 2022