Welcome to Haringey

Congratulations on your new role

Haringey Council is a great place to work. We are forward-looking, creative and ambitious, and always strive to do our very best for our residents. We are passionate about our borough and believe it is one of the best places in London to live, work and run a business.

We are delighted that you have chosen to join us and wish you all the best for your career in Haringey.

These pages will give you an introduction to the council and forms the first part of your induction to Haringey. Reading it means that before you start you’ll know the basics of what we do, how we work and what we expect of you.


Your journey starts here:

Our borough

Haringey is a place of great opportunity with enormous potential for growth – a growing economy, more and better housing and flourishing communities. As part of one of the world’s greatest cities, we believe our potential makes us the future of London.

Find out more about Haringey

Alexandra Palace

The council and how it works

Find out more about Haringey Council - how it is organised as well as our aims and ambitions.

  • Political organisation of the council
  • Our strategy
  • Our vision
  • Our approach
  • Corporate plan
  • Medium term financial strategy
  • Workforce plan
  • Haringey values

Our values

Find out what drives us to continuously provide excellence:


Induction programme

What to expect when starting work with us:

  • Your initial meeting
  • Induction checklist
  • Probation period
  • My Conversation
  • Employment policies
  • Your work station
  • Your staff pass
  • Your new laptop
  • Your telephone extension
  • Haringey Fuse

Page Last Updated:

September 6, 2024