Haringey Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2023-28 consultation

This consultation is now closed. It ran between 15 May and 3 July 2023. Thank you to all those who participated.

Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future direction of safeguarding adults and promoting a safer community for all in Haringey.

What we consulted on

The Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) is a statutory, multi-agency partnership which exists to make sure that all member agencies are working together to help keep Haringey adults safe from harm and protect their rights. It is a statutory requirement that all safeguarding adults boards have a safeguarding strategy. Our current strategy came to an end in 2022.

We consulted on on our draft Haringey safeguarding adults strategy which will guide Haringey Council’s approach to safeguarding adults between 2023 - 2028.

The aim of the new plan is to continue to protect and prevent adults with care and support needs from the risk of abuse, or neglect, and support and promote their wellbeing, with all partners working together effectively, ensuring that the safeguarding system is always improving through shared learning.

What happens next

We will carefully analyse all the feedback received to gain an understanding of the diverse perspectives shared.

This process will help us identify key themes, concerns, and recommendations raised by the community.

Once the analysis is complete, we will create a summary report that highlights the key findings and recommendations from the consultation.

This report will be made available on our website, ensuring that the outcomes are accessible to all participants and the wider community.

Consultation documents

Easy reads

Page last updated:

July 4, 2023