Park View Road underpass – the Colour Way

Improving green and open spaces is fundamental to placemaking in Tottenham Hale.

We are delivering a programme of physical investment, ecological upgrades and safety improvements, to create a network of enhanced open spaces and green pedestrian links, running from Tottenham High Road to the Lee Valley.

Park View Road underpass 3D design

About the Colour Way

The Park View Road underpass is an important connection between Tottenham Hale and the Lee Valley Regional Park. The Colour Way project aims to transform the underpass into a safer, more accessible and engaging route for pedestrians and cyclists, through physical improvements and colourful artwork. 

This project will create colourful and vibrant artworks along the paths leading to the underpass and will deliver physical improvements such as:

  • new paving
  • new stepped access from Park View Road
  • lighting in the underpass
  • tiling repairs
  • soft landscaping

We will also make improvements to drainage, in order to minimise the flooding that affects this area after heavy rainfall. This will be supported by more active maintenance of the area, and we are working with the community and partners to support this.

Project history

Following detailed designs being developed in Spring 2022, further site investigations were undertaken between summer 2022 and summer 2023 to identify and develop solutions to the drainage and water leakage issues.

The designs have now been refined to include improved drainage and repairs to water leaks within the underpass.

These designs were shared with the owners of the underpass structure, Network Rail and London Underground, in autumn 2023 to secure their consent for the works to the structure which have now been approved.

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Project update and start date

Works started in June 2024 and are expected to finish in late autumn/winter 2024. During this time, the underpass will be closed for up to 22 weeks. Alternative routes will be signposted. While we appreciate that this may be disappointing, we cannot construct these works and allow public access in a way that is safe. We will make all we can to keep this disruption to a minimum.

Improving green and open spaces is essential to our approach in Tottenham Hale, and The Colour Way project is a significant step towards creating a network of enhanced open spaces and green pedestrian links in our area.

We are delighted to be working with local artist Albert Clegg from Bud Studio in the development and installation of artwork along the route. Albert has a passion for the creative arts and has worked with local young people to create murals that represent Tottenham, its diverse communities, and environments.

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Get involved

Community participation and co-design is at the heart of this project.

Please sign up for updates at Have your say today – projects underway – Commonplace (external link).

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Page last updated:

August 19, 2024