LGBTQ+ Get involved

Whether you are looking for advice or support, would like to connect with local groups, or find out about local events, projects or activities to get involved in, there's lots happening in Haringey.

The Get Involved LGBTQ+ 365 page contains links to Haringey's LGBTQIA+ Community Network and its members.

Check with service providers and venues in advance of attending events in case of changes to listings or venue opening times.

Haringey's LGBTQIA+ Community Network

Haringey's LGBTQIA+ Community Network brings residents and organisations together to develop community-led initiatives, events, and meetings.

We seek to celebrate the borough's LGBTQIA+ community and address or raise awareness of issues affecting us. Our aim is to make Haringey the best place it can be for LGBTQIA+ people by challenging discrimination and influencing change.

Membership includes residents and representatives of LGBTQIA+ and non-specialist community organisations, secondary schools, Haringey Council, and the Met Police. The network is facilitated by the Voluntary and Community Sector support team at Haringey Council.

Wise Thoughts 

Wise Thoughts is a BAME LGBTQI+ led arts charity. They run weekly drop-in sessions both online and in person, weeky yoga sessions, and GFEST, an annual LGBTQI+ cross-art festival which has been running since 1991. Visit Wisethoughts or email for upcoming events and support.


Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year. They specalise in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, and other forms of abuse including honour-based abuse, forced marriage, and so-called conversion therapies. We are a service run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people, and the needs of our community are at the centre of what we do. 

Jacksons Lane

Jacksons Lane is a flagship arts and cultural venue in Haringey. In 2018 Jacksons Lane delivered Haringey Has Pride, a project celebrating and investigating Haringey's rich heritage in LGBTQ+ activism. 

Bruce Castle Museum and Archive

Bruce Castle Museum and Archive is Haringey's key heritage resource for the borough, holding historical collections, art and community archives of local, regional and national significance. Collections, exhibitions and events alongside an active educational learning programme, reflect Haringey's diversity across centuries. They tell unique stories of innovation, migration, radicalism and community resilience, and document a rich history of community activism. 

Specialist archives, collections and resources showcase the long and rich history of LGBTQ+ heritage and activism in the borough. You can explore some of these resources online here.

You can also book to explore and undertake research looking at original archive material at our Archive Search Room at Bruce Castle.- just contact us to find out more. Educational resources are also available for schools - please contact us directly for more information at or on 020 8489 4250

Insightful Families

Insight Platform provides information, advice, and help to children and young people up to the age of 21 who are living with or affected by drug or alcohol issues. Our service is open to children and young people living in Haringey. We also provide training to professionals who work with young people in the borough.

Healthwatch Haringey

Healthwatch Haringey is the independent consumer watchdog set up to collect information and represent the views of the public on health and social care.

Reach and Connect

Haringey Reach and Connect is an independent support service available to all Haringey residents who are aged 50+, in person, by e-mail and telephone. We have eight Community Connectors who work across the borough.

Proud Lilly Whites

The official LGBTQ+ supporters association of Tottenham Hotspur. Join fellow LGBTQ+ Spurs fans for match day meet ups, regular socials, campaigning, events with Tottenham Hotspur, pub screenings, away matches, overseas trips and more. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds, our membership is free and new joiners always receive a warm welcome. Plus have a listen to our regular podcast. 

Mind in Haringey

Mind in Haringey provides information, advice and support to people affected by mental health problems, primarily in Haringey.

Bridge Renewal Trust

The Bridge Renewal Trust is a community-based charity that works to reduce health inequalities; build stronger communities and improve the quality of life of the people of Haringey.

Met Police

The LGBT+ Community Liaison Officers seek to build strong connections with the LGBT+ community to encourage the reporting of hate crime and to ensure Haringey is a safer place for the LGBT+ Community.  

Contact for more information.