A place where we can all belong and thrive.
Our vision for Haringey in 2035 is a place where:
- all our residents have the opportunity to thrive and enjoy the best possible version of their life
- the quality of life in every part of the borough is comparable to our cleanest, greenest and safest neighbourhoods
- at a time of insecurity and change, Haringey is a place where people can put down roots and feel they really belong

This vision for Haringey 2035 has been developed in partnership between us and:
- our residents
- communities
- partners
- council staff
- visitors
Six 'calls to action'
To achieve this vision, we have identified 6 ‘calls to action’.
These are the priorities that our residents, communities and partners have indicated are the foundations of the future that we want to build.
It is through securing progress in these fundamental areas that we will create opportunity, a great quality of life and sense of belonging for all.
Call to action 1: Safe and affordable housing in Haringey

The foundation of a good quality of life and a sense of belonging is a decent, safe and affordable place to call home.
Initial priorities:
- greater availability of high-quality advice
- challenging those who break the rules
- concerted action and lobbying
Call to action 2: Thriving places

Haringey is a place where people take pride in their local heritage and communities.
We have a history of being a welcoming borough and our diversity is reflected across communities.
We know that when they come together, shared experiences build on the strength of our civic and community spirit.
Initial priorities:
- maximising the use of our existing assets
- creatively sharing spaces and strengthening networks
- highlighting the role of green spaces to improve outcomes
Call to action 3: Supporting children and young peoples’ experiences and skills

Haringey’s young people are vital to shaping our future.
We have some of the most civic minded and inspirational young people enriching our culture and our communities.
We have fantastic schools and colleges, and our young people thrive in the strong community spirit in Haringey.
Initial priorities:
- supporting children and families
- driving opportunities and bridging skills gaps
- facilitate high-quality activities and spaces for young people
- hearing young people’s voices
Calls to action 4: Feeling safe and being safe

Haringey residents take pride in their neighbourhoods and diverse communities.
Over the last few years, residents have reported an increase in feeling unsafe in public spaces.
This could be a knock-on effect from the London-wide trend of increased anti-social behaviour and knife-crime as well as a periodic increase in hate crimes related to geopolitical events.
Initial priorities:
- improved public confidence and trust
- multi-agency approach to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour
- tackling hate and violence in Haringey
Call to action 5: Tackling inequalities in health and wellbeing

Good health and wellbeing is fundamental to us leading productive and fulfilling lives and it is our ambition to make this possible for everyone in Haringey.
The gap in healthy life expectancy is approximately 10 years between the East and West of Haringey; child obesity in Haringey is significantly higher than the London average.
These are outcomes we are committed to improve for everyone in Haringey.
Initial priorities:
- reducing inequalities in health outcomes
- focusing on preventative pathways
- reducing barriers to accessing primary care
Call to action 6: Supporting greener choices

Reducing our energy use, minimising our carbon footprint, and choosing greener transport options are all vital steps to achieving a green and sustainable borough.
However, the transition to a greener future will only be possible if we recognise and address the different circumstances and resources available to our residents.
Initial priorities:
- taking action to tackle the Climate Emergency
- connecting communities with nature
- empowering communities and businesses
The future
Every year, we plan to convene all partners and stakeholders at a yearly summit to share their creative solutions and feedback on delivery of the vision.
To ensure we are making progress towards our vision, we will either work with existing forums or set up dedicated working groups for each of the calls to action.
Each group shall work in collaboration with the wider partnership to:
- ensure progress on metrics
- share learnings and opportunities with others
Working groups would be encouraged to track measurable indicators and record case studies as the partnership progresses towards achieving these priority actions over the next decade.
Read the full document