Ofsted awards the highest rating to our SEND service in 2024 inspection! Read the full report.

Explore the new Family Hubs digital offer, developed as an expansion of the physical hubs.

Post 16 SENDCOs

Core Standards

The Haringey core standards for SEND set out the Local Authority’s expectations for the quality of provision for pupils with SEND in mainstream educational settings in Haringey. 

SEND Training

Haringey SEND services are able to support your SEND CPD offer through or traded SEND training offer. You can purchase places on our central offer on a pay as you go basis or contact us to book bespoke training for your setting.

You can find out what’s on by looking in our brochure and book your place here SEND Events (external link).

Other good places to access SEND training are:

SEND Support

The Haringey SEND Support Documentation pack is a set of standardised pro-formas which should be used by educational settings to record how they are implementing the graduated response for young people. Settings may wish to adapt them for their own use but must ensure the key elements remain. The SEND Support Guidance should be used to inform the content of any plan to ensure that an evidence-based approach to supporting young people with SEND is in place.

We will be reviewing the SEND Support Guidance in December 2022.

Post 16 Person Centred Planning Tools

The PfA Team, as part of the Preparing for Adulthood NDTi Programme, have refreshed a suite of person-centred planning materials which can be used when planning with young people and their families from Year 9 and upwards. 

These tools are specifically designed to find out what is important to a young person and the support they need. They can in fact be used in any planning situation and for many years have been used with people of all ages and with a range of needs.

There are four key documents that are available to use:

Coping Strategies

This is a new tool helps children and young people express their anxieties and other concerns and to think about ways to help address these.

Planning My Future

Planning My Future Life is a person-centred planning booklet. The tools are specifically designed to find out what is important to a young person and the support they need.  

Additional Helpful Tools: Planning My Future Life

This booklet is full of additional helpful tools that support the main Planning My Future Life resource.  

Vocational Profile

The Vocational Profile helps you share important information about what you enjoy things you may need support with at work and what's important to you.

These resources have been taken from the National Development Team for Inclusion website. To read more about these fantastic resources, visit the NDTi website (external link).

Page last updated:

September 9, 2022