Ofsted awards the highest rating to our SEND service in 2024 inspection! Read the full report.

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Staying in education

Education for students over 16 years olds is provided in:

  • Secondary school sixth forms
  • Sixth form centres
  • Colleges (sometimes called further education or FE)
  • Universities (sometimes called higher education)
  • Training providers

When planning your next steps, you should talk to your school, and they will be able to give you advice on possible next steps which would suit you. It is important you explore all your options thoroughly and also visit.

It is a good idea to contact them directly to make an appointment with the settings SEND department so that they can discuss with you how they would meet any additional needs you have.

Students with EHCPs

If you have an Education, Health and Care plan you must still apply for your course through the normal admissions process and let them know you have an EHCP.

Before offering you a place, the college will contact the Haringey SEN department directly. The SEN department and the college will then work with you to:

  • Make sure you have chosen the right course for your needs and interests and achieve the outcomes on your EHCP
  • Agree what support you will need to achieve your educational outcomes, and if it is reasonable

If you are on a two-year course, the funding will be agreed for the duration of the course.  Even if you are on a two-year course, you will continue to have annual reviews of your EHCP.  

This process makes sure you are on track to achieve the outcomes on your EHCP and explore how you will use what you have learnt after the course is finished.

If you want to start a new course, this will be considered by the SEN department on a year-on-year basis.

The annual review will also determine whether you still need an EHCP to make sure you have the right provision develop the skills to live independently, look after yourself, and get a job. 

The Disabled students allowance could help support you during your studies.

Page Last Updated:

June 20, 2022