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Explore the new Family Hubs digital offer, developed as an expansion of the physical hubs.


The aim of this section is to help and support parents/carers choose the right childminder.

Choosing a childminder

Information in this section will help parents and carers make an informed decision when choosing a childminder. It contains useful information on what childminders do, what to look for in-terms of quality and questions to ask your childminder.

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Search our list of childminders

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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In this section you'll find information on the EYFS - who needs to work with it, why there is a need for it and how it helps children to learn and develop.

It also helps parents to understand what they can do at home and how they can work alongside the childminder to further support their child’s development.

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Contact details

See also: Becoming a childminder | Newly registered childminders

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Page last updated:

November 8, 2022