Examination In Public: Local Plan (EIP)

Inspector’s Report and Adoption

The council has now received the Inspector’s report on Haringey’s Local Plan. The report outlines the findings of the Inspector, Christine Thorby MRTPI IHBC, on the examination of the Alterations to Strategic Policies, Development Management, Site Allocations, and Tottenham Area Action Plan documents. A copy of the Inspector’s report and appendices is available below:

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Local Plan Submission

On 24 May 2016 Haringey submitted the emerging Local Plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination, in compliance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning, Local Planning, England's Regulations 2012.

The four emerging Local Plans are:

An independent planning inspector, Christine Thorby MRTPI IHBC, conducted the examination of the Local Plan - see the final report above.

The Examination of the Local Plan hearing sessions took place from Tuesday 23 August to Thursday 8 September 2016. For further information please see the Local Plan: Examination In Public Hearings page

Timetables for the next stages of the examination process for each of the plans have now been published.

Main Modifications Public Consultation

  • 18 November 2016-13 January 2017 - Now Closed

As part of the ongoing Examination of the Haringey Local Plan, the council published the schedules of proposed post-hearing modifications for each of the four DPDs listed above for public consultation. The proposed post-hearing modification arose as a result of both the council’s consideration of comments received to Pre-submission consultation (held from 8 January to 4 March 2016) and from the hearing sessions for the Examination in Public, which were held from August to September 2016. The main modifications have been proposed to ensure the Local Plan documents comply with the soundness tests set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.

The Modifications to the four DPDs can be viewed below:

These should be read alongside the Pre-submission version of the documents, set out below:

Sustainability appraisal and habitats assessments have been carried out on the modifications:

Hard copies of the Modifications and Pre-Submission documents are also available to view at:

  • 6th Floor River Park House, Wood Green, N22 8HQ - between 9am and 5pm
  • Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE
  • All local libraries - see our library pages for opening times and locations

Please see the Consultation Statement below for a summary of the responses received:

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Main Modification Consultation Responses

All consultation responses received can be viewed on the individual Plan pages below:

In addition to responses to the individual Plans, the following responses were also received:

No Plan Specified:

Reference Name
Res78 Canal and River Trust (PDF, 234KB)
Res79 Highways England (PDF, 58KB)
Res80 HSE (PDF, 88KB)

Policies Map:

Reference Name
Res81 Sallyann Bradnam (PDF, 38KB)

Please send your comments:

  • by email to localplan@haringey.gov.uk or
  • in writing to Local Plan Team, London Borough of Haringey, River Park House (6th Floor), Wood Green, N22 8HQ

Submission Library

Submission of the above documents to the Inspector include: the current adopted Local Plan; previous drafts of the documents, along with representations; Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents (SPG's and SPD's); technical evidence bases; and key strategies and plans across the borough, which demonstrate how and why decisions were reached.

Programme Officer

Jackie Lawrence has been appointed as the Programme Officer. For further information about the Examination In Public (EIP) she can been reached on:


The local plan examination hearing sessions closed on 8 September.

Timetables for the next stages of the examination process for the Alterations to Strategic Policies DPD, Development Management DPD, Site Allocations DPD and Tottenham AAP have been prepared. These can be viewed on the individual document pages:

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Page last updated:

May 21, 2021