Pinkham Way news updates

Friday 1 February 2019

Last night Full Council approved the draft North London Waste Plan for publication and consultation. You can read the Full Council papers here.

Information on Pinkham Way’s inclusion in the draft plan can be found below.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Last night, Haringey Council’s Cabinet recommended that Full Council should approve the North London Waste Plan for consultation as proposed.
The recommendation is also for the Pinkham Way site to remain in the plan, along with Brantwood Road in Tottenham and the site in North East Tottenham.
The North London Waste Authority has indicated that it does not have any current plans for the Pinkham Way site, but under the proposals, it would be included in the plan for potential future use if necessary.
The type of waste use that is acceptable on the Pinkham Way site would be restricted to recycling, composting and waste transfer. Use as an incinerator is specifically ruled out. Any proposal would be smaller than previous proposed developments on the site.
Pinkham Way is already a disused former sewage works and landfill site without any public access and would allow for minimal disruption to nearby residents. It is not designated as open space and is currently underused land, although found to be of some local nature conservation value. Weighing up the need for additional waste management facilities, there are no suitable alternative options.
The proposal to include the Pinkham Way site follows several years of careful planning, assessment and discussion, dealing with a range of social, environmental and economic issues. 
Every local authority has a statutory duty to have a plan that makes them self-sufficient in waste disposal. Haringey Council has decided to achieve this through a partnership with its six neighbouring boroughs - all of which have contributed land, with a total of 13 sites.
If approved by Full Council at the end of January, the public will have a chance to have their say on the plans before they are submitted this summer to the Secretary of State for a final decision.
Cllr Joseph Ejiofor, Leader of Haringey Council and Cabinet Member for Planning, said:

“Pinkham Way is already a disused sewage works and former landfill site - there’s no public access and it is underused land. It is, in Cabinet’s view, simply unacceptable not to consider including this underused land next to the North Circular.
“It is our responsibility to plan for waste disposal and recycling in our borough and we have chosen to do this with our neighbouring boroughs, all of whom have contributed land to the scheme. We must do our fair share.
“There are two other Haringey sites included in the plan - both in Tottenham - and it is important that there is a spread across the borough. 
“It is important to make clear that there are currently no plans for Pinkham Way - it is included as a potential site should it be necessary. But any future plans would be restricted to recycling, composting and waste transfer.
“We know people are passionate about how and where our waste is handled and recycled. We have heard, through consultations and the Pinkham Way Alliance, concerns from some residents about including this site. However, looking at recycling targets, future housing and transport options and the level of impact on our residents, Cabinet believes that there are no alternative sites and that including Pinkham Way is the only option.”

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the site suitable for waste use?
Pinkham Way is already a disused former sewage works and landfill site without any public access and would allow for minimal disruption to nearby residents. It is not designated as open space and is currently underused land, although found to be of some local nature conservation value. 
The site was independently assessed for its suitability for waste. The conclusion was that the site is suitable for waste management, provided that this is undertaken sensitively.

What type of waste use is proposed?
There are no current plans for the Pinkham Way site, but it would be included in the plan for potential future use if necessary. The type of waste use acceptable on the Pinkham Way site would be restricted to recycling, composting and waste transfer. Use as an incinerator is specifically ruled out. Any proposal would be smaller than previous proposed developments on the site.

Is a waste use compatible with the nature designation of the site?
Any planning application would need to protect the dual designation of the site as an employment area and as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. Officers believe that this can be achieved. There are detailed assessment criteria to ensure that any waste development is well-designed and its impacts are minimised. 

Pinkham Way is not designated as open space. Although found to be of some local nature conservation value, there is nothing to indicate it has any function as an area for recreation as the site is fenced off and contaminated.

Independent assessments concluded that the site is suitable for waste management, provided that this is undertaken sensitively.

Weighing up the need for additional waste management facilities, there are no suitable alternative options.

Is the site needed?
Every local authority has a statutory duty to have a plan that demonstrates how it will deal with its waste and we have decided to do that with partnering North London boroughs, with whom we already share many facilities. There are no current plans for the Pinkham Way site, but it would be included in the plan for potential future use if necessary. The site is needed to ensure that adequate provision will be made to meet future need for waste management facilities.

There are 13 proposed sites in the North London Waste Plan. Three in Haringey and the rest in neighbouring boroughs. 

Is the allocation of the site compatible with London Plan policy?
Yes, we believe the inclusion of Pinkham Way is compatible with the London Plan, the local plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

It is a requirement under the NPPF and London Plan for boroughs to plan for waste management uses. If the Pinkham Way site was removed, all authorities would have to consider how to proceed. An alternative site would need to be found and it is considered that there is no alternative site. If Haringey were to withdraw from the joint plan, any plan that is progressed by Haringey alone would contain the same sites as currently proposed. 

We have heard, through consultations and the Pinkham Way Alliance, concerns from some residents about including this site. However, independent assessments concluded that the site is suitable for waste management, provided that this is undertaken sensitively. Weighing up the need for additional waste management facilities, there are no suitable alternative options.

It is important to note the inclusion of Pinkham Way as a potential site would not be a planning application. Any future planning application would need to protect the dual designation of the site as an employment area and as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.

Why can’t it go somewhere else?
Pinkham Way is already a disused sewage works and former landfill site - there’s no public access and it is underused land. 

Our neighbouring boroughs have all contributed land to the scheme, which has 13 sites. Most waste is managed at Edmonton EcoPark. We must do our fair share.

There are two other Haringey sites included in the plan - both in Tottenham - and it is important that there is a spread across the borough. Pinkham Way is underused land next to the North Circular. Looking at recycling targets, future housing and transport options and the level of impact on our residents, there are no alternative options.

What about disruption to residents?
Pinkham Way is already a disused former sewage works and landfill site without any public access and would allow for minimal disruption to nearby residents. Independent assessments concluded that the site is suitable for waste management, provided that this is undertaken sensitively.

There are no current plans for the Pinkham Way site, but it would be included in the plan for potential future use if necessary. The type of waste use acceptable on the Pinkham Way site would be restricted to recycling, composting and waste transfer. Any plan would be smaller than previous plans.
Pinkham Way is underused land next to the North Circular. Looking at recycling targets, future housing and transport options and the level of impact on our residents, there are no alternative options.

What about those who object to the site being included?
We have heard, through consultations and the Pinkham Way Alliance, concerns from some residents about including this site. However, we have a statutory duty to have a plan for waste disposal. The site is needed to ensure that adequate provision will be made to meet future need for waste management facilities.

Pinkham Way is already a disused former sewage works and landfill site without any public access and would allow for minimal disruption to nearby residents.

Looking at recycling targets, future housing and transport options and the level of impact on our residents, there are no alternative sites.

Public consultation on the proposed submission version will be held, with submission to the Secretary of State in the summer 2019. 

Can the Pinkham Way site be removed from the plan at this stage?
All other councils have approved the waste plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State. The site cannot simply be removed at this point. This would mean a total reworking of the plan and taking it back through all the councils' cabinets and Full Councils. This would likely lead to a delay of more than a year and could even lead to the North London Waste Plan grouping being disbanded. It is our view that the Pinkham Way site is needed to make the waste plan sound and Haringey and the other boroughs do not have an alternative site.

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Page last updated:

October 11, 2019