Paddling pools and splash play

Parks in Haringey which have paddling pools and opening times.

The paddling pools and splash play areas are open when the weather is good during the summer months. They are for children 8 years and under, free to use and you do not need to book. 

Paddling pools

The 3 paddling pools in Haringey are in:

The paddling pools are emptied, cleaned and refilled 3 times a week. Chlorine is added if necessary throughout the week.

Opening times

They are open from 27 May to 2 September 2023.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday when the pools are cleaned, they will be open from midday.

Splash play at Finsbury Park

The splash park in Haringey is in the main playground in Finsbury Park. It's an area of water jets which spray from the ground and great fun for children to play and cool off.

Opening times

The splash play area is open every day in the summer months unless the weather is bad.