Properties for Sale

The council owns a wide range of properties throughout the borough, and over time some of them become surplus to requirements. The properties we market are mainly for residential use but range from garages, small parcels of land, industrial buildings and commercial properties which may offer redevelopment opportunities. These properties are usually sold on the open market by tender or auction to give all interested parties the opportunity to purchase and to generate the highest price through competition.

In some cases, the council also sells land and property through restricted tendering or negotiate directly with specific purchasers, for example to housing associations to help increase the provision of affordable housing.

If there are any properties currently available for sale, or in the process of being disposed of, they will be shown below.

Properties currently available for sale

There are no properties available at the moment.

If you require more information on the council’s procedure for selling properties or would like to find out about specific properties not listed, please send an email to

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Page last updated:

January 24, 2023